The system has two different types of aircraft parts logging; project and inventory.


The logging form contains a lot of fields. Required fields are indicated with an asteriks (*). You cannot save an item without a photo.

For any part logged, if there are customs details associated with the parent (engine or airframe), it will inherit the same customs status.

Logging Form

Required indicates mandatory fields. Restricted are only allowed to be edited by authorised parties.

Field Printed on Tag Description
Part Number Yes Required The part number of the item. Use NPN if it does not have one or partial if it is unreadable as this will ensure that it isn't used for part detail lookups. When you click away from the box, it will look up the part details and populate the form if anything is found.
Alt Part # No The secondary part number
Origin No Where the item has originated from
Part S/N Yes Required The serial number of the item
Date of Manufacture Yes The date that the item was manufactured
Location Yes Required The generic location on the aircraft
Removed By Yes Required The tech who removed the item
Checked By No Required The person logging the item in
Date Removed Yes Required The date the tech removed the item
Location 2 Yes The specific location on the aircraft
Description Yes Required The description of the item
Value ($) No The value
Weight No The weight
Commodity Code No The customs commodity code
ECCN No The customs ECCN
Priority Yes Whether the item a priority (will store images and tag in PRIORITY folder)
Hazmat Yes Whether the item is hazardous material
Notes Yes Notes available to customer
ecube Notes No Notes only visible by ecube
Bio-Hazard Yes Whether the item is a bio-hazard
Drained Yes Whether the item is drained
Condition Yes Restricted This set the condition of the part whether serviceable or as removed
Type No Required The part type, whether ESD or Mech.
Manifest No Restricted This dictates whether the item is on the manifest.
Consignment No The consignment for the item (will store images and tag in consignment folder)

Note: If you open a part with no type specified, you will need to declare it before saving.

Inventory Specific

The only difference between project and inventory logging is that the inventory will ask for additional data before opening the logging form. The reason for this is that it needs to know what type of part you are logging so it can perform part detail lookups.

Inventory Form

Field Description
Facility Required Conditional This field will only show if a facility is not selected globally.
Aircraft Type Required The type of aircraft the item is from
Item From Required This is whether the item is from the airframe or engine. Think of this as whether the item would fall under an engine or airframe project
Serial Required The serial of the parent item (engine or airframe)


A list of all the parts logged for that project or that inventory will be listed in a table.

If set to show deleted items, these rows will have a red background.

If an item has shipped, the row will have a green background.

Part List


There are a number of control buttons available for the list of items in the top bar.

Part List Control Buttons

  • The left arrow in the top left hand side corner will return to the home page.
  • The "Orders" button will load all the orders which have been created for the inventory or project.
  • The "Storage" button will load all the storage packs which have been created for the inventory or project.
  • The "Manifest" button will load all the items and generate a spreadsheet of the data. Please note that the system may have to retrieve a large quantity of data and this may take a few moments to execute.
  • The "Search" button will open a search box where you search for a particular item. You can search on multiple criteria at once by splitting each criterion with a comma.
  • The "Filter" button will open a form allowing you to filter by storage packs.
  • The "New" button will open the logging form. See New.

If any of the items are selected, more buttons will appear.

Customs Button Storage Button Consignment Button

  • "Add to Consignment" will load the consignment form. See Consignment.
  • "Add to Storage" will load the storage form. See Storage.
  • "Add Customs" will load the customs form. See Customs.

Project Specific

Project Controls

  • The "Check Sheet" button will open a date selector where you can retrieve a list of all the items logged on a particular date.
  • The "Load All" button will load all the items for the project or inventory. Please note that the system may have to retrieve a large quantity of data and this may take some time to execute.

Inventory Specific

Inventory Controls

The system allows any number of inventories to be stored. When navigating to the inventory page from the home page, it will load the last viewed inventory. The inventory you are currently viewing is displayed in the dropdown menu of the controls bar at the top of the page. In order to view a different inventory, simply select another from the dropdown menu.

If all the selected items are from the same aircraft an "Alter MSNs" button will appear. This button will load the inventory form and alter the aircraft or engine that the parts have come from. See Inventory Logging for details on this form.

Select All

In order to select all projects on the page, hit the check box on in the header row.

Select All

View Customs

Clicking the dollar icon will allow you to view customs details. View Customs Button Read more about customs functionality


Clicking the arrows icon will allow you to move the item between inventories and the aircraft project. Move Button

Move Button


Clicking the camera icon will allow you to open the edit form and jump straight to the photos page. Photos Button Read more about the logging form


Clicking the printer icon will print the tag. Tag Button

Please note that this will load a new tab in Firefox and Microsoft Edge.


Clicking the camera icon will allow you to open the edit form. Edit Button Read more about the logging form


Clicking the bin icon will open a confirmation window. If confirmed, the item will be permanently deleted along with any images. Delete Button


If you require the full details of an item, clicking the row will open the details page.


If the item is not in a storage pack, it will omit this section of data.

If the item is not on an order, it will omit this section of data.


Details Controls

The control allow you to edit, alter photos, move the item, print the tag or move to another tag.

  • The left arrow will go back to the inventory or project the item is in.
  • The "Edit" button will bring up the logging form filled with the existing data and photos.
  • The "Take Photos" button will bring up the logging form filled with the existing data and photos on the photos page.
  • The "Move" button will load the form which allows you to select which inventory to move an item to or back to a project if a project exist for the MSN.
  • The "Print Label" button will load the tag and allow you print it.
  • The "Previous" button will load the item details for the previous tag number.
  • The "Next" button will load the item details for the next tag number.