Anything that does have a parent aircraft or engine must be stored in the Miscellaneous section.


The new item form allows data about the miscellaneous item to be saved.

Miscellaneous Form

Field Description
Facility Required Conditional This field will only show if a facility is not selected globally.
Type Required The type of item being stored
Serial Number Required The serial number
Part No The part number
Description Required Describe the item being stored
Value Required The item value
Notes Any additional information

Once all the required data has been added, you can either save without photos by click the "Save" button or click "Next" to proceed onto the photos screen.

Miscellaneous Form Photos

On this screen, you can use the webcam of the device or upload a photo. If you choose to upload photos as opposed to using the webcam, it will compress the files before saving them. Keep file size to a minimum to ensure speedy saving.

If you have multiple cameras attached, the "Change Camera" button will alter which camera is being used.


This will list all the miscellaneous items.

Miscellaneous List


Miscellaneous Filters

  • The "Checked Out" toggle will allow you show either items that are currently at ecube or items that have been checked out and left ecube.
  • The dropdown box will allow you to filter what type of miscellaneous items you would like to view.


Miscellaneous Controls

  • The "Export" button will allow you export the items currently listed to a spreadsheet.
  • The "Search" button will open a search box where you search for a particular item. You can search on multiple criteria at once by splitting each criterion with a comma.
  • The "New" button will open the miscellaneous logging form. See New.

Add Customs

When one or more items are selected using the checkboxes on the left hand side of each row, an "Add Customs" button will appear in the button bar in the top right hand side of the page.

Add Customs Button

Read more about customs functionality

Select All

In order to select all items on the page, hit the check box on in the header row.

Select All


You can view all the details saved about a particular item by selecting the row. To view the photos, simply click the "Next" button.

Miscellaneous Details


In order to edit an item, click the edit button. Edit

This will open the miscellaneous form filled with the existing data. See New for more information about this form.

Check Out

In order to check out an item, click the check out button. Check Out

This will open the date selector where you can select the check out date.

Date Selector

View Customs

Clicking the dollar icon will allow you to view customs details. View Customs Button Read more about customs functionality


Clicking the bin icon will allow you to view customs details. Delete Button Read more about customs functionality